Did Eleanor Parker Undergo Plastic Surgery Including Boob Job, Nose Job, Botox and Lips?

Eleanor Parker Plastic Surgery Nose Job Boob Job Botox Lips

Biography and Interesting Facts

Check out Eleanor Parker plastic surgery pictures, facts and rumors below. Eleanor was born June 26, 1922 in Cedarville, Ohio. After the high school, she worked as a waitress to make ends meet. Her future started to look bright in early 1940’s when she scored her first roles. Many movies followed, among them A Millionaire for Christy, Interrupted Melody, and Eye of the Cat. Parker was married four times. Three marriages were ended by divorce, her fourth husband died.

Plastic Surgery Pictures

Do you believe Eleanor Parker went under the knife? Sometimes it can be hard to tell if cosmetic surgery is truly involved.

Eleanor Parker Boob Job Plastic Surgery
Do you believe Eleanor Parker had a boob job?
Eleanor Parker Botox Plastic Surgery
Do you believe Eleanor Parker used botox?
Eleanor Parker Nose Job Plastic Surgery
Is it possible Eleanor Parker had a nose job?
Eleanor Parker Lips Plastic Surgery
Is it possible Eleanor Parker fixed her lips?

Plastic Surgery History

It is known that Eleanor Parker has completely natural breasts. But which plastic surgeries did she do to her body? Check out the table below!
Plastic Surgery Procedures
Nose job* Unknown
Breast enhancement/boob job** No
Breast reduction Unknown
Botox Unknown
Fillers Unknown
Facelift Unknown
Chin implants Unknown
Cheek implants Unknown
Lip injection**** Unknown
Liposuction Unknown
Abdominoplasty / Tummy tuck Unknown
Butt implants/ Butt lift Unknown
Other (gynecomastia surgery, otoplasty***, neck lift, eyelid surgery, eye surgery, eye lift) Unknown
* It is also called rhinoplasty, nose surgery. ** This includes breast enlargement ,breast augmentation, breast lift. *** Another word for ear surgery. **** It is also called lip augmentation.

Inspirational Quotes by Eleanor Parker

"When I am spotted somewhere, it means that my characterizations haven't covered up Eleanor Parker the person. I prefer it the other way around."

Eleanor Parker Plastic Surgery Nose Job Boob Job Botox Lips- Eleanor Parker

"I'm primarily a character actress."

Eleanor Parker Plastic Surgery Nose Job Boob Job Botox Lips- Eleanor Parker

"I've portrayed so many diverse individuals on the screen that my own personality never emerged."

Eleanor Parker Plastic Surgery Nose Job Boob Job Botox Lips- Eleanor Parker

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