Carrot Top Before and After Plastic Surgery Including Facelift and Botox

Carrot Top Botox Facelift

Plastic Surgery History

There has been rumors about Carrot Top and plastic surgery. They tell a story of the use of botox. We have studied pictures of Carrot Top and believe he used botox to look younger. Furthermore we believe he had a facelift, because his skin looks younger than before in some aspects. What do you think?

Plastic Surgery Procedures
Nose job* no
Breast enhancement/boob job** no
Botox yes
Fillers no
Facelift yes
Chin implants no
Cheek implants no
Lip injection**** no
Liposuction no
Abdominoplasty / Tummy tuck no
Butt implants/ Butt lift no
Other (gynecomastia surgery, otoplasty***, neck lift, eyelid surgery, eye surgery, eye lift) no

* It is also called rhinoplasty, nose surgery.
** This includes breast enlargement , breast augmentation, breast lift and breast reduction.
*** Another word for ear surgery.
**** It is also called lip augmentation.

Biography and Interesting Facts

Scott Thompson, also known as Carrot Top is an American comedian, an actor, a screenwriter and an entrepreneur. He is known for his self-deprecating banter, curly red hair and the usage of flamboyant props in his comedy acts. He also preaches satire and American culture in his feats.


3 quotes which describe Carrot Top well are:

“I’d love to be animated. I’ve always wanted to jump off of a bridge and not be hurt, like Bugs Bunny.”

“My way of fitting in was through jokes and making people laugh.”

“People do give me a hard time about my hair because it’s orange and it’s big.”

Feel free to comment your thoughts in the comment section below. What is your personal opinion on Carrot Top before and after plastic surgery?

Plastic Surgery History

Which plastic surgeries did Carrot Top do on the body? Check out known facts in the table below!

Plastic Surgery Procedures
Nose Job*N/A
Boob Job**N/A
Breast ReductionN/A
Lip Injection/FillersN/A
Chin ImplantsN/A
Butt ImplantsN/A
Butt LiftN/A
Eyelid SurgeryN/A
Tummy TuckN/A
  1. It is also called rhinoplasty, nose surgery.
  2. This includes breast enlargement, breast augmentation, breast lift.
  3. It is also called lip augmentation.